Story + Photography by Catherine May Taylor

This year’s Veterans Day Ceremony was held in Del Ray at the Mount Vernon Recreation Center and was led by the Friends of Captain Rocky Versace, which honors Alexandria’s fallen Vietnam War heroes. The event was well attended by veterans, current members of the armed forces, local residents, students, and civic dignitaries such as Mayor Justin Wilson and Vice Mayor Elizabeth Bennett-Parker.

The afternoon ceremony included some very memorable moments including a wreath laying commemorating Capt. Versace, and a performance by the the Alexandria Harmonizers and soloist Tony Colosimo of “Bring Him Home” from Les Miserables. Stephen Tracy of Bugles Across America then played a beautiful performance of taps, followed by closing remarks. Alexandria Harmonizers concluded the event by singing “God Bless America.”
To see our full coverage of this event, find your complimentary copy of the magazine here.