Understanding Fat & How To Freeze It

Understanding Fat & How To Freeze It

Featuring Cool Contours | Story & Photography by Jorge Martinez

For most of us, body fat is a sensitive topic. It is something we agonize over and try to reduce through various means, including exercise. We so often spend countless hours, and a whole lot of money, trying different diets and exercise regimens to get rid of our unhealthy fat.

Human bodies have two different types of fats – subcutaneous fat (visible under the skin) and visceral fat (which surrounds a person’s organs and is associated with different health risks). The distribution of fat throughout your body is determined by factors such as genes,

caloric intake, and gender. The total number of fat cells in your body stays the same throughout your life. For example, if your body is predisposed to hold more fat cells in a specific area of your body, say your stomach, then you are more likely to have more fat in this area your entire life. While diet and exercise can increase or decrease the size, you cannot lose fat cells completely. Also, a National Institutes of Health (NIH) study found that the body’s ability to shrink subcutaneous fat decreases with age. So, if time is not our friend when trying to get rid of the last bits of stubborn fat, what other options are available? If you’ve tried every workout and diet plan available without seeing the results you want, then a non-invasive fat removal treatment can give you the results you want.

The hottest trend in body sculpting is freezing fat – or cryolipolysis, in medical terms. Cool Contours, owned by Jennifer Kim, focuses on this non-invasive, non-surgical procedure using the CoolSculpting® system, a device designed to effectively remove fat cells from beneath the skin. The procedure rapidly gained popularity throughout the United States after receiving Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval in 2010. CoolSculpting® targets diet and exercise-resistant fat by freezing these cells, which then flush out of the body over the course of a few months. It does not use needles, leaves scarring, and once the fat cells are gone, they are gone for good.

When Jennifer decided to open the doors to Cool Contours, she wanted to be the best CoolSculpting® provider by elevating the patient experience and delivering the best results. In just three years, her team has successfully completed thousands of CoolSculpting® treatments, offering a non-judgmental environment where clients feel comfortable and encouraged. Her efforts have placed Cool Contours as the number one CoolSculpting® provider in Virginia and top ten in the United States for CoolSculpting® Elite.

CoolSculpting® Elite is the newest and most advanced FDA-cleared body sculpting device, with applicators up to 18 percent larger and with 30 percent better tissue contact for a more effective and thorough treatment. It is designed to eliminate fat in nine different areas of the body – more than any non-surgical fat reduction technology.

Following a healthy, active lifestyle is important, but not always easy. For those who need an extra boost and confidence, Cool Contours is the way to go. Their certified specialists work with clients to develop a customized treatment plan focused on areas of concern. Since they are leaders in the CoolSculpting® field, the Cool Contours team is constantly refining their craft and expertise to ensure the best results.

Cool Contours is located at 3020 Hamaker Ct #B105 in Fairfax, Virginia. To learn more about Cool Contours or to schedule your consultation call (703) 260-1131 or visit www.cool-contours.com

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