Jon Schott
-Liesel Schmidt
Beverage Director and Managing Partner for the People’s Drug, the Handover, and King’s Ransom, Jon Schott is known for his skills in mixology and proficient knowledge of spirits. But there’s something you may not know about him: he’s a teetotaler. “I abstain from consuming alcohol and haven’t consumed a drop in over five years,” says the 37-year-old.
Clearly, the choice hasn’t hindered his success in any way—nor does it keep him from enjoying himself. An avid hiker, he also loves just relaxing at home with his girlfriend and their four dogs, watching cartoons, and reading. Schott is nothing if not multi-dimensional; he’s even learned how to juggle and breathe fire.
Odd talents aside, however, Schott is a problem-solver, which has served him well in his career. “I think my biggest strength is being able to see things from a different angle or an alternate perspective in order to creatively solve problems or create something unique for my guests.”