Story by Wesley Jefferies

Turkish Coffee Lady brings a centuries-old treasured ritual at the heart of Ottoman and Turkish culture to Old Town Alexandria. As the latest addition to the coffeehouse scene, Turkish Coffee Lady offers more than just a jolt of caffeine, but an entire experience representing a sophisticated coffee culture with deep ancient roots.

Its well-appointed and warmly welcoming sitting room with a collection of comfortable couches, cushions and cozy nooks - all in front of a brick fireplace - is the perfect setting to savor a naturally creamy and fragrant coffee in a porcelain demitasse cup served alongside a sampling of confectionary known as Turkish delight. After sipping the coffee, it is traditional to use the remaining grounds for a traditional Turkish fortune-telling ritual and readings can even be booked in advance at the coffeehouse.
Turkish Coffee Lady is a welcome arrival in a community like Old Town, which blends local roots with cosmopolitan flair.