This time last May, the cover of our annual Health & Beauty Issue looked very different. The 2020 vision was to celebrate our local health & beauty professionals by inviting them to participate in a 'Vanity Fair' style photoshoot. Unfortunately, social distancing would make this impossible. And so, we got a little creative. Using a polaroid camera, we were still able to put them all on the cover together...despite the challenges arising from the health crisis. (Check out our past issues at here) Nothing was going to stop us from championing these individuals - the men and women who exemplified what it meant to be responsible members of our community as they forged the path to a safer and brighter future beyond the pandemic. Thanks to them, and all of you, we are nearing that place. And I don't know about you all, but here at VIP, we could not be more excited to see where the next year takes us!
We hope you enjoy this year's Health & Beauty Issue, featuring Dr. David Weintritt of the National Breast Center Foundation. We hope that his story inspires us all to stop thinking pink during October alone, but carry the awareness and hope with us throughout the year.
Until next month, Alexandria! Stay healthy, watch where you step for cicadas and get ready to party with VIP all summer long!
Kellie Gunderman, Publisher