Fall Harvest Ball

Fall Harvest Ball

Story + Photography by Jeremiah “JD” Davis

Alexandria’s annual Fall Harvest Ball was recently held in Old Town at Gadsby’s Tavern and featured a 1770s-style ball with live music, English country dancing, a cash bar, and a seasonal dessert collection. During the 18th century, Alexandria celebrated the onset of fall and winter with a ball. This year, Alexandria locals dressed in cocktail attire along with their friends and family to keep the tradition alive. English country dancing consists of live musicians – including a violinist and in this year’s case a flutist – and several attendees holding hands while performing a specific series of moves in unison. The dance requires a lot of coordination! Several of these groups filled the ballroom and they danced the night away in each other’s company. Afterward, the crowd enjoyed desserts to conclude the night.

To see our full coverage of this event, find your complimentary copy of the magazine here.

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