Story by Jeanette Wages

How many times have we heard our parents or grandparents say, “Dating in my day was different.” Well, grandma and grandpa could not be more right with today’s dating scene, because quite honestly dating 6 months ago was a whole different world. As little as five years ago, couples still made up stories about how they met after meeting on a dating app, now it has become common place and meeting at a bar or a grocery store seems like a rare story to hear from our friends.
'Swiping through apps has become the new normal... In the last few months, with the encouragement to social distance, the meet up part has changed...'

Zoom call and Facetime dates are not going away anytime soon, people are loving being able to get that glimpse of a person before committing to leaving their house for them, so how do we spice these “first dates” up to actually feel like a date?
On a standard first date, you would pick a central location to meet up for drinks and possibly dinner. Virtual dating doesn’t have to be different! Make an agreement to order curbside pick-up or delivery from the same locally owned restaurant, and make sure to throw in some cocktails!
If you’re more the type of person to go play mini golf on a first date than sit down at a bar, you can get creative with virtual first dates as well. Pick a game you both have in your home or can create with common household items, or even pick a game you can screen share and play together online. What better way to get to know each other in a fun, playful way?
Outdoorsy but not ready to get outdoors together? Hop on a video call while you are both out walking in your favorite parks. Share what you see and what you love about being outdoors while still maintaining a comfortable distance. If one of you wants to leave the house but the other isn’t ready, take them on a video tour of your favorite part of town! Showing the sites and places you love is a great way to get to know someone and they don’t have to leave the comfort of their couch, bonus if they take notes and take you on your first in person date to a place you mention.
Just because we aren’t side by side doesn’t mean dating has to be boring and stagnant. Get creative and let your personality shine through even when it’s through a screen!